“We want to give back to North Carolina eventually at some point in our lives. Because a lot of us, you know, if you have DACA and you have a job, you’re paying your taxes and everything and you feel like you deserve the same treatment as, at least in some ways… access to the… Read More →
So Much Potential
Tools For College Planning Regardless Of Immigration Status
Welcome to “So Much Potential,” a DACA and undocu-friendly college planning resource site!
Our primary audience is school counselors, as one of the key resource people along the path to college for any student. We know that learning about DACA or legal immigration status was not part of your training, so we hope to supplement your knowledge and bolster your ability to work with all students. This site will provide resources that you can navigate quickly if you are learning on-the-job while helping one of your students who have DACA, is undocumented, or lives in a mixed-status family. We are happy if other school staff members, community members, students, or family are able to use this site as well! Our only purpose is to shine a light on the pathway to college for all students who want it.
Stories From NC Students

Jay*, a young adult living in North Carolina, shared:
“What I have experienced is that it is really difficult living with temporary status. Myself, I have DACA, and I was able to get an associate’s degree. But it was really difficult because you have to find ways to try to go to school. I went to a local community college before I started school… Read More →

Will*, a young adult male living with DACA in North Carolina, shared:
“I started going to a community college. It was hard at the beginning because I was one of the very first ones that were accepted and… nobody really knew what DACA was. So, it was hard to explain to them, you know, I’m not a citizen. I’m not working towards citizenship this is just… kind… Read More →